We learned many of the Gospel parables in childhood and can
remember them well, regardless of however many years have passed. This is
because they read as vivid and bright stories. The Lord Jesus Christ shaped
certain religious truths as parabolic stories, just so they would be easy to
remember and hold in memory. Mention the name of a parable, and it will bring
up a colorful image of the Gospel in the mind. Of course, though we can call
the parable to mind, we often go no further than this, for there are many
things in Christianity that we understand, but few that we do. A Christian
needs to make an effort of the will in order to sense the vital significance of
the truth, and desire to follow it. It is only then that this truth will shine
with a new and warm light.
After a relatively long break, and a few months
before His sufferings on the cross, the Lord Jesus Christ told us His new parables.
Conventionally, they make up the second group of parables. In these parables
the Lord revealed God’s infinite mercy in the salvation of sinners, and also
gave a series of graphic instructions on how we must love each another,
following God. We will start the review of this second group of parables,
discussing the three which depict God’s mercy on those who repent; these are
the parables of the lost sheep, the lost son, and the tax collector and the
Pharisee. These parables must be studied in their connection to the great drama
initiated by the original sin that results in disease, suffering and death.
Sin has defiled and distorted many aspects of
human life since time immemorial. Numerous Old Testament offerings and ritual
washings of the body gave people hope for the forgiveness of their sins.
However, this very hope was based upon the expectation of the Advent of a
Saviour who would release people of their sins and return them the lost
beatitude of communion with God (Is. ch. 53). The parable about <see next chapter>
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