Origin of the Eastern Orthodox Church
The Orthodox Church began at Pentecost. It was founded by our Lord Jesus Christ, when after His Ascension, He sent down upon His Apostles the Holy Spirit who proceeds from God the Father as is written in the New Testament. The Orthodox Church of today can trace its history back to the New Testament Church in unbroken continuity. The Apostles, as per our Lord's command, preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ and founded churches in Europe, Asia and Africa. Under the direction of the Apostles and their successors, whom they appointed to carry on their mission, the Orthodox Church began to thrive. At each city and town that the Apostles traveled they would appoint a bishop to continue to minister to the faithful, before leaving on their missionary journeys. As the Church grew, the bishops in turn had to appoint priests and deacons to help them with their flock.
The Orthodox Faith
Video talk on the Eastern Orthodox Church
 Fr. Jacob Myers talking
Father Jacob Myers about the Orthodox Church
Fasting in the Eastern Orthodox Church, the passion and the resurrection of the Christ, worshipping, the sacramental life of the Church, the cult of the saints, and more.
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In the "Multimedia" section of this web site you can also find some video clips with a few sermons that Fr. Jacob Myers gave to his parishioners.
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