We have seen that the parables told by Christ were bright
and visual stories, which contain an integral and harmonious teaching about the
salvation of man and the kingdom of God, the Church. In the initial parables,
the Lord spoke about the conditions favorable for people to receive the Kingdom
of God. In the subsequent parables, He spoke about God's mercy on repentant
people and taught us to love our neighbors, do good works and improve our inner
moral character. He also gave us instructions to be discreet and to pray
thoroughly. The final parables were about each person’s accountability before
God and about the necessity to be vigilant and to draw the light of God's grace
into the heart.
In this work, devoted to the Gospel parables, we
did not did not try to provide the reader with complete and comprehensive
explanations of the hidden spiritual wisdom. We put before us a much more
modest task: to present the basics of Evangelical teaching, as given in the
parables, to the reader. Christ's parables are the ever-true pictorial
instructions that show us the way to Salvation.
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