A 50 year old woman visits her doctor with her 23 year old daughter V. The
circumstances which led to them to visit a doctor are such: the girl, until
recently a student of one of the capital’s colleges, had been infatuated with
the creativity (if such can be said) of a famous western rock group. She
created a whole collection of audio and video recordings, clippings from
newspapers and journals, photographs of these musicians. This lasted a year to
a year and a half.
Rock music has a strong influence, both on the mental as well as the
physical condition of the person. The well-known researcher of rock and roll
John-Paul Regembal writes: "The strength of rock is in the irregular
pulsations, rhythms, evoking a bio-mental reaction of the organism, capable of
influencing the functions of different organs of the body (in part, the beat
can speed up the heartbeat and increase the amount of adrenalin, as well as
sexual excitement).
If, for instance, the short rhythm equals 1 ˝ beats per second and is
accompanied by a heavy pressure of super-low frequencies (15-30 hertz), it can
strongly arouse a person. If the rhythm equals 2 beats per second, at the same
frequency, the listener falls into a dancing "trance," which is
similar to a narcotic one. Modern rock-groups utilize the spectrum of 80
thousand hertz to 20, or even less. The intensity of sound reaches 120
decibels, even though human hearing is tuned to an average intensity of 55
decibels. This is a definite storming of the entire individual. There have been
cases when an overabundance of high or low frequencies strongly traumatized the
Contusions of sound are common at rock concerts, as well as sound burns,
hearing and memory loss. It is impossible to expose yourself to rock for
extended periods of time and not be psycho-emotionally traumatized. In
addition, there is a loss of control over the ability to concentrate; control
over mental activity and will is significantly weakened; unrestrained outbursts
lead to destruction, vandalism and revolt, especially in large gatherings,
where the mental field of the crowd, the enhanced aforementioned influences of
rock, for all intents and purposes deprive a person of individuality, turn him
into part of a machine directed by satanic leaders.
As we can see, rock music has a destructive influence on the character of a
person. It is not by accident that many rock soloists are drug addicts and even
openly Satanists" (from an article by N. Bogoliubov).
Free internet access became available in the institute, where V. was a
student. What happened! The girl began to skip lectures, her grades fell
sharply. All her thoughts were occupied with rock idols. She jumped from site
to site, searching new details of personal lives, tastes, habits of her
With time the ability to "surf" the Internet clearly became
insufficient, and V. began to search for any other type of connection. In the
meantime, the girl’s sphere of interest widened, she began to be interested in
much which, as she put it, "is shameful to mention." The Internet
attracted her like a magnet, V. could not live without it even a day. She
thought time was wasted, if she could not submerge herself in the "sea of
fascinating information."
V.’s behavior changed noticeably. She began to be irritable, talked back to
her mother. From lack of sleep (because Internet access is cheaper at night)
her head began to ache, her vision worsened. In the Internet-café, which she
began to visit regularly, she made dubious acquaintances. Once she was offered
heroin, and "grass," which, the girl admitted, she had tried, and
more than once. "I thought, — she said, — that it would help me with my
tiredness, to overcome sleepiness." Within a year V. was expelled from the
institute for poor grades, but this did not sober her up. Her mother rang the
alarm, understanding that the computer, or rather the passion, would completely
destroy her only daughter.
The mother calls herself a religious person. V. says: "I believe in
God, but I almost never go to church." Still, she agreed to visit only an
Orthodox psychotherapist.
Thank God, the girl recognized that in the last two years she did not live a
real, but a "virtual," world, and was a captive of her passions. This
passion, apparently, can be can Internetmania. Looking at the image of the Holy
Mother of God in my office, V. asked hopefully:
— Will the Lord help me?
— Of course, He will help, — I answered, — nothing
is impossible for God. You must ask Him for this with all your heart, begin to
go to church, truly repent of your sins and have firm resolve not to return to
The girl listened attentively, and in her tearful eyes, as it seemed to me,
a ray of hope appeared. I prescribed sedatives, made several recommendations,
and we separated, agreeing to meet in a week. This was the first clinical visit
related to the Internet in my practice. Unfortunately, it seems that one can
expect other similar types of visits.
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