When the body, as consisting of many parts,
becomes ill, it has the need for various medicines… The soul, on the other
hand, being incorporeal, is simple and not complex, and when it becomes ill,
only one medicine can help it — that is the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (St.
Simeon the New Theologian).
The rampant growth of spiritual illnesses in the 20th century
resulted not only from stresses and scientific and technical progress with its
"information overload," but also, from the departure of people from
God, and their sinful life.
Therefore, the only valuable psychotherapeutic assistance is the one that
will bring people to Christ and, under the direction of a priest or believing
doctor, will induce them to repent and amend their life. In this case, the word
of the doctor or the spiritual guide will be reinforced by the blessed power of
God, which is capable of healing the most serious spiritual illness.
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