A Final Note
These, briefly, are some of the characteristics of the Orthodox Church. The Church is One, since our Lord Jesus Christ founded only one Church. It is Holy through its sanctification by its Founder and Head, Jesus Christ, and through the operation of the Holy Spirit. It is Catholic, since it is universal, and knows no limitations of place or time. It is Apostolic since it was founded by the Holy Apostles and has maintained unbroken the apostolic succession through the Laying-on of Hands. This is the Orthodox Church - the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
For those desiring to learn more about the Holy Orthodox Church we recommend the following literature:
- The Orthodox Church by Timothy Ware. A clear, detailed introduction to the Orthodox Church, written for the non-Orthodox, as well as for Orthodox believers. Part One describes the history of the Eastern Church over the last 2,000 years and particularly its life in 20th century Russia. Part Two explains the beliefs and worship of the Orthodox today.
- The Church Is One by Alexei Khomiakov. An excellent essay on the nature and faith of the Orthodox Church.
- The Faith We Hold by Archbishop Paul of Finland. This book was written "to describe Orthodoxy from the inside to those outside." It deals with the Orthodox faith in its most basic elements in three main sections: doctrinal, liturgical, and spiritual, revealing with remarkable simplicity and directness its message of salvation for all mankind.
- How Does Orthodoxy Differ from the Western Denominations? by Metropolitan Anthony, founder of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad. Translated from the Russian, this brochure is an excellent treatment of the spiritual and moral differences between East and West caused by the divergent theologies which developed.
- Orthodox Spirituality by a monk of the Eastern Church. This classic covers the historical development of Orthodox spirituality, its essentials, the Baptizing Christ and Christ our Passover.
These and other fine books on the Orthodox Church may be ordered from the following sources:
- Holy Trinity Monastery Bookstore Jordanville, New York 13361, (315) 858-0940
- Light & Life Publishing Co. 4818 Park Glen Rd. Minneapolis, MN 55416, (612) 925-3888
Missionary Leaflet E2b
Holy Trinity Orthodox Mission
466 Foothill Blvd, Box 397, La Canada, Ca 91011
Editor: Bishop Alexander (Mileant)
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