examples of the new Eastern cults in the West could be multiplied; each year
finds new ones, or new transformations of old ones. In addition to the overtly
religious cults, the last decade especially has seen an increase of secular
"consciousness cults," as one popular newsmagazine calls them (U.S.
News and World Report, Feb. 16, 1976, p. 40). These "mindtherapy"
groups include the "Erhard Seminars Training" established in 1971,
"Rolfing," "Silva Mind Control," and various forms of
"encounter" and "biofeedback," all of which offer a
"release of tensions" and a "tapping of the hidden
capabilities" of man, expressed in a more or less plausible 20th-century
"scientific" jargon. One is reminded also of other
"consciousness" movements that have become less fashionable today,
from "Christian Science" to "Science of Mind" to
All these movements are incompatible with
Christianity. Orthodox Christians must be told absolutely to stay away from them.
Why do we speak so categorically?
1. These movements have no foundation in Christian
tradition or practice, but are purely the product of Eastern pagan religions or
of modern spiritism, more or less diluted and often presented as
"non-religious." They not only teach wrongly, not in accordance with
Christian doctrine, about spiritual life; they also lead one, whether through
pagan religious experiences or psychic experiments, into a wrong spiritual path
whose end is spiritual and psychic disaster, and ultimately the loss of one's
soul eternally.
2. Specifically, the experience of "spiritual
quietness" which is given by various kinds of meditation, whether without
specific religious content (as is claimed by "TM," some forms of Yoga
and Zen, and the secular cults) or with pagan religious content (as in Hare
Krishna, the "Divine Light Mission," "31-10," etc.), is an
entrance to the "cosmic" spiritual realm where the deeper side of the
human personality enters into contact with actual spiritual beings. These
beings, in man's fallen state, are first of all the demons or fallen spirits
who are closest to man. Zen Buddhist meditators themselves, despite all their
cautions about spiritual "experiences," describe their encounters
with these spirits (mixed with human fantasies), all the while emphasizing that
they are not "clinging" to them.
3. The "initiation" into experiences of
the psychic realm which the "consciousness cults" provide involves
one in something beyond the conscious control of the human will; thus, once
having been "initiated," it is often a very difficult thing to
untangle oneself from undesirable psychic experiences. In this way, the
"new religious consciousness" becomes an enemy of Christianity that
is much more powerful and dangerous than any of the heresies of the past. When experience
is emphasized above doctrine, the normal Christian safeguards which protect one
against the attacks of fallen spirits are removed or neutralized, and the
passiveness and "openness" which characterize the new cults literally
open one up to be used by demons. Studies of the experiences of many of the
"consciousness cults" show that there is a regular progression in
them from experiences which at first are "good" or
"neutral" to experiences which become strange and frightening and in
the end clearly demonic. Even the purely physical side of
psychic disciplines like Yoga are dangerous, because they are derived
from and dispose one towards the psychic attitudes and experiences which are
the original purpose of Yoga practice.
The seductive power of the "new religious
consciousness" is so great today that it can take possession of one even
while he believes that he is remaining a Christian. This is true not only of
those who indulge in the superficial syncretisms or combinations of
Christianity and Eastern religions which have been mentioned above; it is true
also of an increasing number of people who regard themselves as fervent
Christians. The profound ignorance of true Christian spiritual experience in
our times is producing a false Christian "spirituality" whose nature
is closely kin to the "new religious
In Chapter 7 we will take a long and careful look
at the most widespread current of "Christian spirituality" today. In
it we will see the frightening prospect of a "new religious
consciousness" taking possession of well-meaning Christians, even Orthodox
Christians — to such an extent that we cannot help but think of the
spirituality of the contemporary world in the apocalyptic terms of the "strong
delusion" that will deceive almost all of mankind before the end of the
age. To this subject we shall return at the end of this book.